Klaus Peter Stuchlik for his kpsu radio programs saturday soft lite and whatever works program salutes the 1970's era
1950 1951 1952 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960


World Statistics
Population: 2.681 billion

Nobel Peace Prize: George C. Marshall (US)

Joseph Stalin dies (March 5). Georgi Malenkov becomes Soviet Premier; Lavrenti Beria, Minister of Interior; Vyacheslav Molotov, Foreign Minister (March 6).

East Berliners rise against Communist rule; quelled by tanks (June 17).

Korean armistice signed (July 27).

Moscow announces explosion of hydrogen bomb (Aug. 20).

Tito becomes president of Yugoslavia.

President: Dwight D. Eisenhower
Vice President: Richard M. Nixon
Population: 160,184,192
Life expectancy: 68.8 years
Homicide Rate (per 100,000): 4.8

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower inaugurated President of United States (Jan. 20).

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed in Sing Sing prison (June 19).

Alleged Communist Charlie Chaplin leaves U.S. for good. Justice Dept. warns him any attempt to reenter the country will be challenged.


US GDP (1998 dollars): $379.7 billion
Federal spending: $76.10 billion
Federal debt: $266.0 billion
Consumer Price Index: 26.7
Unemployment: 3.0%
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.03

World Series
NY Yankees d. Brooklyn Dodgers (4-2)

NBA Championship
Minneapolis Lakers d. New York (4-1)

Stanley Cup
Montreal d. Boston (4-1)

Women: Maureen Connolly d. D. Hart (8-6 7-5)
Men: Vic Seixas d. K. Nielsen (9-7 6-3 6-4)

Kentucky Derby Champion
Dark Star

NCAA Basketball Championship
Indiana d. Kansas (69-68)

NCAA Football Champions
Maryland (10-1-0)

Pulitzer Prizes

Fiction: The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway
Drama: Picnic, William Inge
Oscars awarded in 1953

Academy Award, Best Picture: The Greatest Show on Earth, Cecil B. DeMille, producer (Paramount)

Nobel Prize for Literature: Sir Winston Churchill (UK)

Miss America: Neva Jane Langley (GA)


The first issue of TV Guide magazine hits the newsstands on April 3 in 10 cities with a circulation of 1,560,000.

To counteract the threat of television, Hollywood thinks big and develops wide-screen processes such as CinemaScope, first seen in The Robe.

Loretta Young abandons Hollywood for her stylish debut on the small screen.

Lucille Ball gives birth to Desi Arnaz, Jr. on same day the fictional Little Ricky is born on I Love Lucy.

Playboy magazine hits newsstands. A nude Marilyn Monroe graces the cover.


The Robe,
From Here to Eternity,
Roman Holiday Books

James Baldwin, Go Tell It on the Mountain
Saul Bellow, The Adventures of Augie March
William Burroughs, Junkie
Randall Jarrell, Poetry and the Age
Henry Miller, Plexus
Alain Robbe-Grillet, The Erasers
Jean Stafford, Children are Bored on Sunday


Nobel Prizes in Science

Chemistry: Hermann Staudinger (Germany), for research in giant molecules
Physics: Fritz Zernike (Netherlands), for development of ""phase contrast"" microscope
Physiology or Medicine: Fritz A. Lipmann (Germany-US) and Hans Adolph Krebs (Germany-UK), for studies of living cells Rosalind Franklin (England), Francis Crick (England), and James Watson (US) discover the double-helical structure of DNA.

Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal reach the top of Mt. Everest (May 29).

First successful open-heart surgery is performed in Philadelphia. Deaths

Queen Mary

Eugene O'Neill

Jacques Thiabaud

001 - Percy Faith - Song From Moulin Rouge
002 - Les Paul & Mary Ford - Vaya Con Dios
003 - Patti Page - Doggie In The Window
004 - Eddie Fisher - I'm Walking Behind You
005 - Ames Brothers - You, You, You
006 - Teresa Brewer - Till I Waltz Again With You
007 - Les Baxter - April In Portugal
008 - Perry Como - No Other Love
009 - Perry Como - Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes
010 - Frankie Laine - I Believe
011. Oh - Pee Wee Hunt
012 - Frank Chacksfield - Ebb Tide
013 - Nat King Cole - Pretend
014 - Tony Bennett - Rags To Riches
015 - Richard Hayman - Ruby
016 - Stan Freberg - St. George And The Dragonet
017 - Hilltoppers - P.S. I Love
018 - Gaylords - Tell Me You're Mine
019 - Julius La Rosa - Eh Cumpari
020 - Silvana Mangano - Anna
021 - Perry Como - Say You're Mine Again
022 - Ray Anthony - Dragnet
023 - Frankie Laine & Jimmy Boyd - Tell Me A Story
024 - June Valli - Crying In The Chapel
025 - Joni James - Why Don't You Believe Me
026 - Joni James - Your Cheating Heart
027 - Frank Chacksfield - Limelight (Terry's Theme)
028 - Eddie Fisher - With These Hands
029 - Eartha Kitt - C'est Si Bon
030 - Joni James - Have You Heard